Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bad Brushes

I just spent this whole day working on the Viking painting and I have hated every minute of the work.  At first I just cursed it, wondering why it has become such a hateful project.  I took frequent breaks, getting a new perspective.  The paint was not moving around for me as it always has in the past.  Maybe I need more medium?   Finally I realized that I had spent most of the time, picking off tiny little hairs from the brushes, that were embedded in the paint.  Instead of nice crisp edges where I needed them, I was forced to keep repainting those edges with a variety of sizes of brushes and different tips, ie. filbert, brights, or liners.  AHA!  its not me today, it's the @#%$@ brushes I am using.  I have just been too absorbed to catch on to the problem.  It seems that these new high dollar brushes I purchased some time back and have had put aside til now, are a bad lot.  I have only used them two or three times previous to today.  I am meticulous about cleaning my brushes.  I use brush cleaner faithfully.  Although I adhere to the wisdom of purchasing the best materials you can afford (these brushes weren't cheap) sometimes the best is not the best.  I think I will go back to using my cheaper brushes tomorrow and see how things go. 
Any fellow artists out there who want to send me their favorite brushes?  How about your best source for these brushes?  Thanks, Linda

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