Monday, December 21, 2009

Snowstorm and How I spent my Snowday

OK...I survived the blizzard of 09. Here are photos taken on Sunday morning before we dug out. We had 16 inches on our picnic table and that was where the wind was you can imagine the snowdrifts in our driveway and at the mailbox.
I spent the day working first on the miniatures you see here and on a Vanitas painting I started a while back and put aside when I became busy with other more pressing the miniatures show. I am working on two small pieces of ivorine that I cut to fit frames. They are taped to some foamcore and beside are two photographs of goldfinches that were feeding on my back porch sunflowers. My dear Aunt, Judy Adams of Roanoke Virginia took these photos of goldfinches from inside my kitchen. She is amazing with a camera. One of the paintings will become a thankyou note of sorts for my Aunt.

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